Photo of Guillermo Cuenca Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires on March 7, 1938. Participates in group exhibitions since 1962. Solo shows since 1969.

In 1964-67 receive the guidance of the late Argentine painter Michelangelo Gualeguaychú Giúdice in the province of Entre Rios.

In October 1967 he moved to Balcarce and associated with the Centro Cultural de Balcarce where he continued his studies in drawing and...

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31.50 x 39.37 in
31.50 x 39.37 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
31.89 x 39.37 in
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Photo of Guillermo Cuenca Argentina



Born in Buenos Aires on March 7, 1938. Participates in group exhibitions since 1962. Solo shows since 1969.

In 1964-67 receive the guidance of the late Argentine painter Michelangelo Gualeguaychú Giúdice in the province of Entre Rios.

In October 1967 he moved to Balcarce and associated with the Centro Cultural de Balcarce where he continued his studies in drawing and painting with Master Aurora Simonazzi and Italo Grassi. In the same year is part of the Rock of Artists of Mar del Plata, to also receive the advice of teachers and Juan C. Castagnino and Demetrio Urruchúa.

Integra Muralists National Movement since its inception in 1970, participating actively in it, being the driving force of the initial activity of MNM, the organize the National Week 1, Mural Painting, General Madariaga (Buenos Aires Province) in 1971.

He made his first mural in 1968 and has attended numerous meetings and invited national and international Monumental Public Art by at least 50 murals. His murals are in schools of the Province of Buenos Aires in the cities of Maipú, General Madariaga, Mar del Plata; Trenque Lauquen, Balcarce, Villa Gesell, Berazategui, the Library of the Faculty of Agricultural Science National University Mar del Plata, in the Rural Society of Balcarce, in the Automobile Museum Juan Manuel Fangio (held in conjunction with artist Carlos Di Marco), in the Universidad Nacional de San Luis, in the building of the City Council of the City Villa Mercedes (San Luis done as a team with artist Guillermo Alzuela; in Farm Cultural Narrow Street also Villa Mercedes, in the city of Formosa, in the city of San Miguel de Tucuman, in the Villa El Rodeo (Province of Catamarca) and other public and private places in the country. Also in the cities of Tlaxcala and the Federal District (Mexico).

Participates in group exhibitions traveling in Italy, Spain, France and Germany.


1968 - Represents the Balcarce Commune in the First Exhibition of Plastics Bonaerenses Securities.

1969 - First Prize for painting in the Paint Hall Regional Golden Jubilee of the New Era Journal of Tandil, donates work Balcarce Cultural Center.

1969 - Second prize for painting at the Second Exhibition of Painting and Drawing Balcarce.

1995 - First mention in painting at the First Regional Exhibition of Art "130 th Anniversary Balcarce Party "with his painting" Homage to Jorge Luis Borges' work donated to the Public Library "Paul A. Pizzurno "Balcarce.

1998 - First prize for painting at the Second Regional Exhibition of Art "133 th Anniversary of the creation of Balcarce.

2004 - Gets the Creativity Award, voted by the public, in Latin Artists Group Show 2003, organized by The Gallery ARTEXPRESIÓN Internet ( )

2004 - Along with the artist Fasciglione Valeria wins first prize for the creation of a mural under the project "134 WALL TOWNSHIP FOR EACH ONE MAKES THE PROVINCE", organized by the Cultural Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires

2007 - Distinction Merit for lifetime achievement "award by the Honorable Council of Balcarce.


2005 - World Day of Public Art and Mural - Tlaxcala 2005 (Mexico) from 9 to 14 August. Participate invited by the World Council of Visual Artists (COMAV) and travels with the sponsorship and financial support from the Argentina Chancellery. As part of a mural Day of 244x180 cm.

2005 - SIXTH NATIONAL PUBLIC ART MONUMENT OF VILLA MERCEDES 2005. Done in Villa Mercedes (San Luis) from 30 November to 5 December. Participates as a guest doing a mural.

2006 - "Argentine-Mexican Conference of Public Art and Mural" Berazategui 2006, held from 4 to 8 April 2006 in the town of Berazategui, Province of Buenos Aires. Participates as a guest Regional Movement Muralists, south of Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Culture of the Municipality of Berazategui.

2006 - INTERNATIONAL ART AND PUBLIC MURALISM - City of Formosa 23 to 27 June 2006. Held to mark 51 years met the Provincialization of Formosa. Participates as a guest painting a mural.

2006 - "7 th National and 1 LATIN AMERICAN MEETING OF MONUMENTAL PUBLIC ART VILLA MERCEDES (San Luis) 2006 - Participates as a guest doing a mural.

2007 - 1st. BILATERAL MEETING murals, MEXICO - ARGENTINA, held in Mexico (DF) from June 25 to July 1, 2007. Participate invited by the Mexican Muralists Movement, made a mural of 7.5 x3, 5 m in Public School No. 170 of the Federal District.

2007-1 º NATIONAL MEETING AND PUBLIC ART MURALISM, TUCUMAN - 2007, held in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, from 5 to 9 September 2007. Participates as a guest painting a mural.

2007 - SECOND MEETING PUBLIC ART AMERICAN MONUMENTAL "TIERRA DEL SOL", held in Catamarca from 19 to 25 October 2007, participated as guest of the Government of the Province, painting a mural of 3x2, 5 meters. in the city of El Rodeo.

2008 - WALL OF BOLIVIA, conducted in conjunction with the artist Marité Svast in Plaza de Mayo from 3 to 5 October, in support of the National Constitution and Democracy in Bolivia.

2008 - CONFERENCE ON RESTORATION OF WALL carried out from 22 to 25 November in the city of Villa Mercedes (San Luis), participates as a guest.

2008 - 1as. DAYS OF PAINTING IN LARGE FORMAT developed in Pueblo Camet in honor of 100 anniversary of Maestro Juan Carlos Castagnino, days 27-28 and 29 November. Participates as a guest by a 2.60 x1, 83 m

2009 - As part of celebrations for the 143rd anniversary of the city of Ayacucho (Buenos Aires), guest at the 1st National Meeting of Public Art and Mural - Ayacucho 2009 from 19 to 22 June 2009 . Make the opportunity mural of 2.60 x1.83 m.

He has participated as a juror in numerous events and graphic arts at local and provincial cities in Balcarce, Mar del Plata, General Madariaga, Villa Gesell, Castelar and Moron.

Besides drawing and mural and easel painting, printmaking and ventures into the stained glass windows made for public and private places of the Federal Capital and interior. Also involved in graphic design and marketing, with notable awards in these disciplines. He has lectured on art and provides guidance plastic in his workshop in the city of Balcarce.

Balcarce 25 June 2009

Guillermo Basin (ID, 4262329)

Present address: Calle 34 and 23 house No 6 - CP. BALCARCE 7620

Phone: 02266-42 5515



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